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Analysis on the Impact of International Trade Protectionism on China's Textile and Apparel Export

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-05-15
After the outbreak of the international financial crisis, international trade protectionism has risen, and various trade protection measures aimed at China's textile and clothing products have caused a huge blow to my country's textile and clothing exports, and the trade protection faced by China's textile and clothing exports has become increasingly normal. As of 2011, my country has been the country that has encountered the most anti-dumping investigations for 17 consecutive years, with an average of 40 to 50 billion yuan in export commodities involved in investigations each year. Among them, the most intensive investigations on textile and apparel products are in particular. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, my country’s textile and apparel products encountered 40 anti-dumping investigations and more than 30 technical trade barriers in 2010. The initiators were mainly the United States, the European Union, India, Brazil, and Argentina. The safety of children’s clothing and supplies And testing is the focus of the encounter investigation. A correct understanding and analysis of the characteristics of international trade protectionism and its impact on my country's textile and apparel exports have positive and far-reaching significance for my country's effective response to international trade protection measures and reasonable countermeasures. 2. The characteristics of international trade protectionism 1. Various, concealed, and complex means The trade protection measures of countries are becoming more and more complex, and the means are becoming more and more diverse, from the traditional high tariffs and import quotas to the new anti-dumping, countervailing, and countervailing measures. Technical barriers, green barriers, special protection measures, and the latest labor standards, etc., have been protected in an endless stream. As trade protection methods, fields, and service flows are diversified, concealed, and complicated, and complicated measures continue to change, it is more difficult to deal with. 2. Expansion of scope and rise of regionalization With the in-depth development of global economy and regional economic integration, the economic ties between countries and regions in the world have become closer. The mutual trade protection measures between the two countries have developed into global trade protectionism, and the development of regional economic integration has caused regional economic organizations to build high barriers to trade protection externally, and free trade with member countries internally to improve their overall Competitiveness, the differential treatment of member states to non-member states has deepened, and the degree of trade protection has also been strengthened. 3. Political goals have gradually penetrated into economic activities. In recent years, developed countries have spared no effort to incorporate labor standards into the international trade system, hoping to use their own economic legislation to strengthen trade protection and instill human rights concepts and value standards in developing countries. As the largest developing country in the world, our country often encounters differential treatment from the national policies of developed countries in the process of economic development in order to achieve the political goals of its foreign policy. 3. The impact of international trade protectionism on China's textile and garment exports 1. Restrain the export of my country's textile and garment products. Countries implementing international trade protection policies are mainly aimed at restraining imports and protecting their own industries. Therefore, countries have implemented international trade protection measures for the textile and garment industry. As a result, the export volume of my country's textile and apparel products has declined, which has had an impact on the textile and apparel industry, and caused huge losses to my country's textile export enterprises. According to WTO regulations, global textile export quotas were cancelled in 2008, and the balance pattern of the international textile market was broken. Not only developed countries, but also developing countries have begun to implement stringent trade protection measures on my country’s textile and clothing products, and the frequency is increasing. The higher you come, the greater the intensity. In particular, textile and garment producing countries such as Turkey, Mexico, and India, which also regard the textile and garment industry as a pillar industry, have also joined the army of trade protectionism. 2. Raising the export cost of my country's textile and apparel products. Europe and the United States are the countries and regions that have the earliest, the largest number and the most stringent requirements for the implementation of trade protection for textile and apparel products. The implementation of trade protection measures is bound to raise the export cost of my country's textile and clothing in these countries and regions. The export advantage of my country's textile and clothing at this stage is mostly based on the price advantage of low production cost. In order for Chinese products to meet a series of technical standards, green environmental labels, and green sanitation and quarantine systems formulated by European and American countries, enterprises must continuously improve production processes and increase investment in technological transformation, which will directly increase the production costs of enterprises; in terms of labor standards, After the 'Social Responsibility Standard' qualification certification, the minimum wage standard is enough to make the production cost of the enterprise rise substantially. 3. Prone to produce joint effects. International trade protection has a joint effect on my country's textile and apparel exports.
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