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Attention! Chemical laboratory safety matters, and case

by:GESTER Instruments     2020-10-10
In the lab, we first need to learn and know the importance of laboratory safety: 1. Laboratory of environmental management is the relationship between laboratory staff safety and health of people in and around a system engineering, it is design of a wide range of knowledge of science. 2. In order to protect the laboratory personnel's safety and health, prevent the pollution of the environment, ensure the safety of the laboratory work and effective is an important part of the laboratory management work. In the process of experiment, the operation carefully. https://www. gesterinstruments。 com//3。 Laboratory safety factor: hazards control can from the following three aspects: technical control and behavior control and management control laboratory. 1) Technical control: adopt technical measures to control the inherent hazards, mainly include elimination, substitution, isolation, ventilation, protection, monitoring, etc. ; 2) Behavior control: control think errors, reduce hazards triggered by incorrect behavior; Main forms of human error: error, command mistakes, incorrect judgment or the lack of judgment, ignorance, carelessness, forgotten, tired, lazy, fatigue, tension, busy, working without order, illness or physical defects, wrong use of protective equipment and protective suits, etc. ; 3) Management control: to establish and perfect the system of hazard management rules; Clear responsibility, regular check, strengthen the daily management of hazard; Do a good job in hazards. https://www. gesterinstruments。 com//product/showproduct789。 html4。 Explain laboratory accident case: welcome to the reading, has the need to build the battery safety performance testing equipment of laboratory and laboratory environmental simulation test equipment can line call our jester detection equipment co. , LTD. , jester professional production testing equipment, we can customize according to customer demand for test.
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