Common calculation formulas for textiles
by:GESTER Instruments
Commonly used calculation formulas for textiles are divided into two types: fixed length calculation formula and fixed weight calculation formula. The calculation formula of the fixed length system: (1), denier (D) u003dg/L*9000 where g is the weight of the silk thread (grams), L is the length of the silk thread (m) (2), tex (number) )[tex(H)]: texu003dg/L*1000 where g is the weight (g) of the yarn (or silk), and L is the length of the yarn (or silk) (m) (3), dtex( dtex): dtexu003dg/L*9000 where g is the weight of the thread (grams), and L is the length of the thread (meters). fixed weight calculation formula: (1), metric count (N): Nu003dL/G Where G is the weight (g) of the yarn (or silk), L is the length of the yarn (or silk) (m) (2), British count (S): Su003dL/(G*840) where G is the silk thread Weight (lbs), L is the length of the thread (yards) 2, select the conversion formula: (1), the conversion formula of metric count (N) and denier (D)u003d9000/N (2), imperial count The conversion formula of number (S) and denier (D)u003d5315/S (3), the conversion formula of decitex (dtex) and tex (tex): 1texu003d10dtex (4), tex (tex) and denier (D) conversion formula: texu003dD/9 (5), tex (tex) and English count (S) conversion formula: texu003dK/SK value: pure cotton yarn Ku003d583.1 purified fiber Ku003d590.5 polyester cotton yarn Ku003d587.6 cotton viscose yarn (75:25) Ku003d584.8 dimensional cotton yarn (50:50) Ku003d587.0 (6), tex (tex) and metric number (N) Conversion formula: texu003d1000/N (7), conversion formula of dtex and denier (D): dtexu003d10D/9 (8), dtex and imperial Number (S) conversion formula: dtexu003d10K/SK value: pure cotton yarn Ku003d583.1 purified fiber Ku003d590.5 polyester cotton yarn Ku003d587.6 cotton viscose yarn (75:25) Ku003d584.8 dimensional cotton yarn (50:50) K u003d587.0 (9), the conversion formula of decitex (dtex) and metric count (N): dtexu003d10000/N (10), the conversion formula of metric centimeter (cm) and imperial inch (inch): 1inchu003d The conversion formula of 2.54cm (11), metric meters (M) and English yards (yd): 1 yard u003d 0.9144 meters (12), conversion of satin square meter weight (g/m2) and millimetres (m/m) Formula: 1m/mu003d4.3056g/m2 (13), the conversion formula of actual weight of silk and pound weight: pound weight (lb) u003d weight per meter of silk (g/m)*0.9144(m/yd)*50( yd)/453.6
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