GESTER Instruments transmission tester is certified under both domestic and international certifications. It has passed the CCC, CE, RoHS, ENEC, UL, and CB certificates. The product produces very low audible noise
GESTER Instruments protective clothing testing equipment has gone through the assessment. It has been checked in terms of magnetic and electromagnetic fields, harmful radiation, noises, temperatures, biological and chemical effects, electrical shock, etc. This product is distinguished for its almost zero magnetostriction
GESTER Instruments protective clothing testing equipment has been tested according to the highest appliance standards. It has to pass the voltage compatibility testing, electromagnetic safety testing, frequency stability testing, plug safety testing, etc. It is made of premium materials that are specially for power industries
GESTER Instruments transmission tester is well crafted. Welding and/or sewing are adopted to achieve seams that develop the full strength of the fabric. It sells well in more than 40 countries
GESTER Instruments transmission tester is well designed. Its design covers panel design, program design including PLC, drive systems, operator interface design, control systems design, etc. It makes the components of electronic devices lighter and compact
The testing of the product is strictly conducted and thus it meets the quality standards. This product has good mechanical strength and rigidity