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Multi-directional test method for fabric stiffness

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-04-09
The ability of a fabric to resist changes in its shape in the bending direction is called flexural stiffness or stiffness. It is often used to evaluate the softness of the fabric and also determines the drape and feel of the fabric [1-2]. Therefore, the study of fabric bending stiffness has been widely concerned. Yang Zhenwei et al. [3] used a self-made fabric saddle bending test device to study the mechanical properties of the fabric under actual bending. Liu Chengxia et al. [4] conducted a new exploration of the water drop method to test fabric bendability. He Qihui et al. [5] proposed a method to indirectly test the bending properties of the fabric using the actual bending shape of the fabric under its own weight. Li Yanfang et al. [6] adopted a new test method and made a test device to test and study the dynamic bending properties of cotton fabrics. Bilik [7] explored the relationship between the stitching method and the bending performance of woven fabrics. Chen Zhihua et al. [8] studied the effect of blending ratio on the bending properties of cotton, bamboo pulp and cotton yarn blended fabrics. Du Zhaoqun et al. [9] proposed a test system that can simultaneously evaluate and characterize the bending properties of yarns and fabrics. In summary, whether it is a variety of new test methods proposed by many scholars recently, or the current general inclined plane method, cardioid method, and fabric style test method, only a single direction stiffness index can be obtained each time. Now the national standard It is stipulated that the bending properties of the fabric in the warp and weft directions are used to characterize the stiffness of the fabric. Because the fabric is anisotropic, the stiffness in different directions is quite different, so the bending in the warp and weft directions may not fully reflect the whole piece. The stiffness of the fabric. To fully understand the bending performance of the fabric in different directions, multiple measurements are required, which consumes more manpower and material resources. In view of the above situation, this article proposes a simple method that can test the stiffness of fabrics in multiple directions at the same time. 1. Experiment 1.1 Selection of samples A total of 15 kinds of cotton, linen and other fabrics with large differences in stiffness are selected. The specific structural indicators are shown in Table 1. 1.2 The inclined plane method is used to test fabric stiffness in five directions. Although the national standards stipulate that fabric bending and stiffness are only tested in both warp and weft directions, in order to make the research more in-depth and comprehensive, this article adds another three in the research. direction. That is, referring to ZBW04003-1987 'Test Method for Fabric Stiffness Inclined Cantilever Beam MethodFor bending length and bending stiffness, the test instrument is YG(B)022D automatic fabric stiffness tester. The measured results are shown in Table 2. Table 2 shows that the bending stiffness of the fabric in different directions is different. For example, if only the average bending stiffness in the warp and weft directions of the 1# sample is taken, the result is 792.38 cN·cm, and the average bending stiffness in the five directions is 554 .48cN·cm, there is a big difference between the two. 1.3 Multi-directional fabric stiffness test method 1.3.1 Principle The principle of the fabric multi-directional stiffness test method is to place a weight in the center of a circular sample fixed around and suspended in the middle, and the center of the fabric will be in the center of the circle. The material sags and produces bending deformation. The amount of deformation is the result of the fabric's resistance to external forces in multiple directions. Therefore, the overall stiffness of the fabric can be characterized according to the degree of deformation of the fabric. Therefore, this method is named the depression method. 1.3.2 Experimental preparation a) Experimental tools: recessed test bench (the test bench is made of plexiglass, as shown in Figure 1(a). The upper end is square, and the center has a hollow circle with a diameter of 6 cm) ; 5 digital cameras (respectively placed right above and at appropriate locations around the sunken test bench); weights of appropriate quality. b) Atmospheric environment: standard atmospheric conditions of constant temperature and humidity, and uniform and sufficient light. c) Specimen specifications: Cut the fabrics in Table 1 into circular specimens with a diameter of 10 cm. Prepare 3 specimens for each fabric. The weight used in this paper is 3g. Before the formal experiment, in order to determine the size of the center hole diameter on the end face of the test bench, the diameter of the hole is from 3cm to 8cm, and pre-experiments have been done every 1cm. The research found that: When the thickness is between 3 and 4 cm, for medium-thick fabrics, the depth of depression and the height of the uplift are not obvious enough. When the diameter of the circular hole is between 7 and 8 cm, for light and soft fabrics, under the action of the weight of 3g, it will be excessive. It is dented or even slipped down, so it is more appropriate to choose the diameter of 5cm and 6cm. Considering the fabric selected in this article and the diameter of the sample cut, the diameter of the circular hole is finally set to 6 cm.
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