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Seven non-ferrous metal smelting pollutant discharge permit technical specifications released

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-08-26
On December 27, 2017, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued the 'Technical Specifications for Pollution Discharge Permit Application and Issuance of Non-ferrous Metal Industry-Mercury Smelting' in the form of National Environmental Protection Standards (HJ) and 'Technical Specifications for Pollution Permit Application and Issuance of Non-ferrous Metal Industry-Magnesium Smelting' 'Technical Specifications for Pollution Discharge Permit Application and Issuance of Non-Ferrous Metal Industry-Nickel SmeltingSeven technical specifications including the application and issuance of pollutant permit application and technical specifications for non-ferrous metal industry-cobalt smelting and the 'Technical specifications for application and issuance of pollutant permit application and issuance of non-ferrous metal industry-antimony smelting' will take effect upon release, and enterprises in related industries can start in accordance with the requirements of the regulations. Declare the pollution discharge permit. Seven non-ferrous metal smelting pollutant discharge permit technical specifications are released. 1. Classification of discharge outlets Because the non-ferrous metal smelting industry has many production processes and many pollution sources, the management of the discharge outlets of the non-ferrous metal smelting industry should focus on the key points at this stage, combined with the 'Control of Pollutant Discharge' In order to improve the efficiency of pollution source control for non-ferrous smelting enterprises, improve the efficiency of pollutant discharge permit declaration and issuance, reduce the workload of accounting, and divide the discharge ports into main discharge ports and general discharge ports. Two categories are classified and managed. The principle of determining the main discharge outlets is that the discharge of pollutants is large, the types of pollutants are discharged, the installation of online monitoring facilities is convenient for assessment, and the 5+X types of pollutants (5 types are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, chemical oxygen demand, and ammonia nitrogen; Type X is total lead, total arsenic, total mercury, total cadmium, and fluoride. Pollutant discharge outlets that account for the largest part of the company's total discharge volume are set as the main discharge outlets to control the permitted discharge concentration and permitted discharge volume; other pollutants The discharge port is set as a general discharge port, which only controls the permitted discharge concentration.  The main waste water discharge outlets are the total discharge outlets of industrial waste water and the discharge outlets of workshops or production facilities. 2 Permitted emissions and actual emissions This standard focuses on combing the pollution emission factors of the five non-ferrous metal industry emission standards, combined with the 'Twelfth Five-Year Plan for the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Heavy Metal Pollution' and the 'Atmospheric Ten ArticlesAccording to the requirements of relevant management documents such as 'Water Ten Articles   Pollution factors for the permitted emissions of exhaust gas are particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides (only applicable to pollutants in areas subject to special emission limits), lead and its compounds, arsenic and its compounds, mercury and its compounds, and cadmium and its compounds. The pollution factors for the permitted discharge of wastewater are chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, total lead, total arsenic, total mercury, and total cadmium. Where there are local requirements for environmental quality improvement, the scope of pollution factor control for the permitted emission of non-ferrous industries can be expanded according to demand. For the discharge outlets of workshops or production facilities, the four heavy metals of total lead, total arsenic, total mercury, and total cadmium must be permitted in both the total amount and the permitted concentration. The other types of heavy metals are only permitted in concentration.   Permissible emissions include annual permissible emissions per pollutant discharge unit, annual permissible emissions from major outlets, and permissible emissions during special periods. Among them, the effective period of the annual permit emissions should be calculated from the time the permit is issued, rolling 12 months. The accounting method is as follows: the seven non-ferrous metal smelting emission permit technical specifications are released. The actual emission accounting method mainly distinguishes normal and abnormal conditions, as shown in the following figure: seven non-ferrous metal smelting emission permit technical specifications are released 3 new unorganized emission management requirements The issued 'Emission Standards for Pollutants from Tin, Antimony, and Mercury Industries' (GB30770) has become the most stringent standard for the heavy non-ferrous industry. Many standards are close to or stricter than foreign countries. According to the current feasible technical measures for pollution control, emission standards can be ensured. From the perspective of development trends, unorganized management and control should become the focus of emission reduction in the next stage of the industry. This technical specification focuses on the requirements of regulatory measures for unorganized emissions in the non-ferrous industry, through measures such as improvement of equipment airtightness and environmental smoke collection, this technical specification proposes to focus on on-site inspection of measures, supplemented by on-site monitoring to determine the enterprise's unorganized compliance status , Combining standards, regulations and the actual situation of the enterprise, the control of unorganized emission sources has been refined, and no specific requirements for the concentration and amount of specific permitted emissions are given.   Unorganized emission control requirements shall be implemented in accordance with the pollutant emission standard amendment form of the 'Non-ferrous Metal Industry Air Pollutant Emission Standard'. Seven non-ferrous metal smelting pollution discharge permit technical specifications are released 4 Self-monitoring management requirements The monitoring content mainly focuses on the discharge of exhaust gas (organized + unorganized) and wastewater (production, domestic wastewater, initial rainwater), and the environmental impact assessment will be approved after January 1, 2015 Enterprises, surrounding environmental impact monitoring points, and monitoring indicators shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the environmental impact assessment documents of the pollutant discharge unit.   The main discharge outlets allowable pollution factors: particulate matter, SO2, NOx, COD, NH3-N, pH, flow should be automatically monitored, and other factors can be automatically or manually monitored.   Unorganized emissions are monitored on a quarterly basis in accordance with the emission standards for the concentration of pollution factors at the boundary of the plant. 
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