
22 years focused on physical lab testing machines and provide total testing solution according customer requirement.

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What standards are followed during rubbing fastness test production?
The manufacturing of rubbing fastness test is not merely in accordance with the business norm, but also operates based on the international standard. Strict standardized manufacturing process facilitates the secure operation and rigorous guarantee of the goods. Compared with other producers, GESTER International Co.,Limited has been put quality first to carry out the production process. This guarantees the smooth manufacturing procedure and efficient business operation from selecting raw materials to selling products.
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Gester Instruments is well-known for its high quality Fabric Testing Machine in domestic and abroad market. Gester Instruments's textile testing equipment is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. The product is of high quality and meets industry quality standards. The product has a high-hardness surface. The product has long been known and well accepted in the industry for its extremely reliable performance. It can withstand the corrosion of acid, alkali, and other chemical substances.
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The service idea of protective clothing testing equipment in Gester Instruments emphasize on protective clothing testing equipment. Ask!

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