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Analysis of the shrinkage rate of different material fabrics

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-08-25
What is the shrinkage rate? The shrinkage rate of fabric refers to the percentage of fabric shrinkage after washing or immersion in water. Generally speaking, synthetic fibers and their blended fabrics are the fabrics with the largest shrinkage rate, followed by woolen fabrics and linen fabrics, cotton fabrics are in the middle, with larger shrinkage, and the largest shrinkage is viscose, rayon, and artificial wool fabrics. The hygroscopicity of various fibers is different, the fiber with high hygroscopicity has a large shrinkage rate; on the contrary, the shrinkage rate is small. Natural fibers such as cotton, wool, silk, and linen have relatively high hygroscopicity, so the rate is also large; while polyester, polypropylene and other chemical fibers have hygroscopicity. The tightness and looseness of the knot structure will also affect the degree of shrinkage. The loose structure of clothing , Generally, the shrinkage rate of the compact structure is large. Cotton mercerized plain cloth: shrinkage rate of 3.5% in warp direction, 3.5% in weft direction; cotton mercerized twill: shrinkage rate of 4% in warp direction, 3% in weft direction; cotton plain cloth: shrinkage rate of 6% in warp direction, weft Ordinary worsted woolen cloth: shrinkage rate is 4% in warp direction and 3.5% in weft direction; silk crepe de chine: shrink rate is 10% in warp direction and 3% in weft direction. Cotton 4%-10%; chemical fiber 4%-8%; cotton polyester 3.5%-55% fabric shrinkage calculation method: 1. The fabric size is multiplied by 1 to reduce the shrinkage rate. For example, a fabric shrinks by 1% ,100m*(1-0.01)u003d99m; 2. Shrinkage rate: it is the fabric's own, provided by the manufacturer. If you want to calculate, you must experiment. For example, use a 10m cloth, put it in the water, and then measure, the result is 9.95 Meter, (10-9.95)/10*100u003d0.5%. Factors affecting the rate of change in washing size: First, it is obvious that the fabric itself is different, and the shrinkage rate is different; second, the density of the yarn, the higher the density, the shrinkage rate The smaller; the higher the count, the smaller the shrinkage rate; third, the weaving and printing and dyeing processes are different, and the shrinkage rate is also different. Generally, high-yarn weaving and export products have stricter shrinkage control, which will affect the size of the shrinkage rate. Go in.
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