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Hydraulic Bursting Strength tester Testing Method


When the fabric is subjected to pressure, the fabric begins to expand in all the possible directions at the same time. When the applied pressure increases gradually, the fabric begins to burst after crossing a pressure limit. This pressure limit is called bursting strength. 

The Burst Tester is designed for measuring the bursting strength of fabric materials subjected to an increasing hydrostatic pressure. This pressure is applied to a circular region of the specimen via an elastic diaphragm. The specimen is firmly held round the edge of this circular region by a pneumatic clamping device. When the pressure is applied, the specimen deforms together with the diaphragm. The bursting strength corresponds to the maximum pressure supported by the specimen before failure. 

1. Hydraulic Bursting Strength tester Testing Procedure:

1.1 Fabric is spread over a table with having a flat surface.  The diameter of the specimen disc is kept equal to or more than the outer diameter of the rubber diaphragm. 

1.2 The specimen is placed over the diaphragm properly and the specimen clamp is tightened.

1.3 The electric supply of the hydraulic pump switches on. The fluid pressure begins to increase constantly. After a certain interval of time, the test specimen gets ruptured.  The distance between the clamped diaphragm and the top surface of the inflate diaphragm is measured precisely. The reading of the pressure gauge is also recorded at the same time. This pressure gauge reading is called pressure required to rupture a specimen( P)

1.4 The developed hydraulic pressure inside the pressure cylinder is released immediately and the specimen clamp is loosened at the same time.

we find the pressure required to inflate the diaphragm. The diaphragm is tightened again by a circular clamp without a test specimen. The diaphragm starts to expand. When the top surface of the diaphragm reaches the height equal to the height reached during rupture of the specimen, the pressure gauge reading is recorded again immediately. This pressure is called inflate pressure ( P ' ).

2. Textile Bursting Strength Tester Precautions:

Below precautions should be taken during testing of the bursting strength of the fabric.

2.1 The specimen should be prepared precisely.

2.2 The height of the inflate diaphragm should be measured correctly during the rupture of the specimen.

2.3 The pressure must be released immediately after rupture of the specimen.

2.4 The diaphragm should be replaced after the recommended time.

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