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Instrument and meter companies strive for the localization of deep-sea energy development equipment

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-07-07
On July 12, President Xi Jinping met at the Diaoyutai State Guest House with European Council President Tusk and European Commission President Juncker who came to China to attend the 18th China-EU Leaders’ Meeting and emphasized that the South China Sea Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times. China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea will not be affected by the so-called Philippine South China Sea arbitration award under any circumstances. China does not accept any claims or actions based on the arbitration award. On the other hand, the 'South China Sea Arbitration' initiated by the Philippines from beginning to end is also a farce. The official website of the United Nations issued a document on July 13 stating that the International Court of Justice is the main judicial organ of the United Nations, established in accordance with the United Nations Charter and located in the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands. This building was built by the non-profit organization Carnegie Foundation for the Permanent International Court of Justice, the predecessor of the International Court of Justice. The United Nations has to donate to the Carnegie Foundation every year for the use of the building. Another 'tenant' of the Peace Palace is the Permanent Court of Arbitration established in 1899, but it has nothing to do with the United Nations. Yes, this 'tenant' is the South China Sea Arbitration Tribunal. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Lu Kang stated that the so-called South China Sea Arbitration Tribunal was originally based on the illegal activities and illegal claims of the Philippines. Its existence does not have legitimacy. All its awards are futile and ineffective. In other words, this is an 'illegal' judgment made by an 'illegal' organization. I don't know how the Philippines will deal with this farce that exists in name only. But as far as the masses of us are concerned, our position is firm, and there is no shortage of Chinese territory at all! As for our instrument company, we must not only speak for the motherland, but also become the strong backing of the motherland. The main reason for the dispute over the sovereignty of the South China Sea is the competition for resources. As early as 2014, China's first deep-water natural gas project in the South China Sea, the Liwan 3-1 natural gas field, was put into operation. This marks a solid step in China's South China Sea energy development strategy. It is a pity that this is not an advancement of our domestically-made instruments in deep-sea energy development equipment. Due to the characteristics of variable composition, high turndown ratio, large pressure fluctuations, easy corrosion, and unsuitable maintenance of deep-sea gas fields, the instruments used in this project have high technical requirements, and many domestic instruments cannot meet the standards. For example, the ultrasonic flowmeter of CNOOC Liwan 3-1 deepwater project uses GE's GF868 torch ultrasonic flowmeter. Zhang Dagang, chief expert of deepwater engineering at CNOOC Research Institute, also said that China’s marine technology has been greatly improved, and exploration equipment has developed rapidly, approaching the world level. However, in terms of underwater systems, China is still in a blank state and mainly depends on foreign imports. . Whether it is a flow meter or system integration, as a key component of gas field development, our meters must be highly skilled in order to withstand the test of the South China Sea. Just like our country is powerful, we can truly say no to this farce. The South China Sea is known as the 'Second Daqing'. According to the calculation of proven resource reserves, the current domestically more optimistic assessment data is that the entire South China Sea has approximately 23 to 30 billion tons of oil and gas geological reserves. Moreover, 70% of oil and gas resources are stored in deep water areas. There are still many technical shortcomings to be broken through in my country's deepwater mining equipment, operation management and remote control of production systems. To achieve the '13th Five-Year Plan' South China Sea oil and gas development goals and promote the exploitation of South China Sea oil and gas resources, it is necessary to master core technologies as soon as possible. Experts suggest that companies should pay attention to the development of related technologies and develop corresponding marine engineering equipment and oil and gas exploration and production equipment. First of all, improvements must be made in terms of product technical performance and reliability. We recognize that there is still a considerable gap compared with the advanced level of foreign countries, so we must focus on strengthening quality management and improving technical standards. Secondly, domestic equipment needs to develop in the direction of complete sets of equipment, digital oilfields, and intelligence. The intelligence and automation of equipment can minimize manpower consumption. In particular, use innovative technologies such as big data and cloud computing to promote oilfield production and management. To share intelligence and develop intelligent oilfields. Finally, equipment must be developed towards lighter weight. Smaller size, lighter weight, and more compact structure are the major trends. Today, we are going to say 'NO' to the South China Sea Arbitration. Tomorrow, our instrument company should say 'YES' to the South China Sea Development, and use our own equipment to develop our territory.
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