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Application field of tensile machine

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-06-13
The tensile machine is introduced in professional terms. It is used to mechanically add force to the material for static load, tension, compression, bending, shear, peeling and other mechanical performance tests. The experimental analysis data is used to obtain a qualified international standard data. In layman's terms, it is an instrument that can provide upward and downward adjustable speed movement. Non-metallic materials and metal materials are stretched, compressed, bent, teared, 90° peeled, pull-out force, elongation elongation, etc. Test instrument. The most common testing instrument used in factories, industries and laboratories, the production of every product is inseparable from the testing and inspection of the product, such as the production of shoes, the stickiness of the shoes, the hardness of the shoes, and the hardness of the shoes. A data analysis of the wear resistance test and so on. Someone will ask, what are the specific non-metals? Here is an example of the editor: rubber, plastic, film, textile, fiber, polymer material, composite material, safety belt, tape, alloy material and others; then you know The application field of the tensile machine is a testing instrument for a variety of force relationships between metals and non-metals. Then you can imagine its application industry: the tensile machine is widely used in metrology and quality inspection; rubber and plastics; metallurgical steel; machinery Manufacturing; electronic appliances; automobile production; textile and chemical fiber; wire and cable; packaging materials and food; instrumentation; medical equipment; civil nuclear energy; civil aviation; colleges and universities; scientific research laboratories; commodity inspection and arbitration and technical supervision departments; building materials and ceramics; petroleum Chemical industry; other industries. The use of tensile testing machine With the continuous development and progress of science and technology and the continuous development of various industries, new requirements are put forward for the equipment of tensile testing machine, and the tensile testing machine is playing an increasing role in various industries. The competition of tensile testing machines is becoming increasingly fierce, and the highly automated, intelligent, multifunctional, high-efficiency, and low-consumption tensile testing machine equipment is more and more favored by the industry. The degree of automation of the technological process is getting higher and higher. Nowadays, Farui Instrument's tensile testing machine uses a large number of computer design and mechatronics control to improve the flexibility and flexibility of the equipment. Computer design and mechatronics control can be divided into 1. Pointer tensile testing machine 2. Digital display tensile testing machine 3. Computer system tensile testing machine
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