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Constant temperature and humidity test chamber to the requirement of using the environment

by:GESTER Instruments     2020-11-16
Constant temperature and humidity test chamber for welders, electronics, instrumentation equipment, and its products, parts and raw materials in the high and low temperature test variations and dampness storage, transport and application of natural environment adaptability experiment; Is all sorts of electronics, electric, home appliances, plastic and other raw materials and components to carry out the low temperature resistant, high temperature resistant, water resistant, resistant to partial dry experiment and examines the reliability of the project testing machine equipment; Is very suitable fiber line, LCD, crystallization, inductors, PCB, rechargeable batteries, computer, mobile phone, waiting for the goods heat, cold resistant, resistant to cold circulation system experiment. So the key equipment in the application of the natural environment and applied to the whole process of how to cherish? Jess for guys here, the constant temperature and humidity test chamber of the application of the natural environment. 1, constant temperature and humidity test chamber for indoor use of the natural environment of laboratory equipment, although is made of iron, but it is also have a fear of cold. Because it works when the temperature during the whole process of desuperheating, cold or hot swap, send out a warm air. If the temperature of the surrounding is also high, so can also hot let it not temper, out of order. 2, can't have a strong sun; , and thus should be 5 - in temperature 35 degrees Celsius, low air humidity 85% RH applications in the natural environment; Low cryogenic storage tank or pipe will be frozen, high temperature and high hazard refrigeration unit heat removal. 3, can't work under etching gas, soot to standard; Too much dust, will sneeze, breath not free. Constant temperature and humidity test chamber, though without the nose, it also hate dirt natural environment. Like dust will hurt people, dust on the machine equipment internal structures, also can appear erosion damage. 4, good natural ventilation standard, near the walls around from more than 50 cm, 30 cm together limit is low. No obvious vibration around 5, constant temperature and humidity test chamber shell must be rigid connection maintenance. 6, set outlet of course also pay special attention to, drainage pipe halfway there shall be no protrusions, house road not polarize askew. Constant temperature and humidity test chamber shell behind should be embedded pipes or water, tap water, contracting vagina experiment of condensed water. The interpretation of the above is the constant temperature and humidity test chamber to the requirement of using the environment, the hope can help you, if you want to learn more about information of constant temperature and humidity test chamber, welcome to the online consulting service or call the company service hotline ( Website top right corner) For consultation, we will wholeheartedly provide high quality service for you! Tags: & nbsp  constant temperature and humidity test chamber
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