Introduction to applicable standards of mask filtration efficiency tester and national mask standards
by:GESTER Instruments
In the context of the epidemic, the production of masks has become a hot topic of media discussion. Different standard classification of masks, such as FFP1-3 and KN95/KP95, as well as the differences in the definitions and tolerances of test conditions in various countries, make the test results of mask filtration efficiency different. When changing the particle mass concentration or particle size distribution, the test results between different standards also vary widely. The filtration efficiency of mass concentration depends on the large particles in the aerosol, and the transmittance of small particles will be significantly higher than the results calculated based on mass concentration. Even the data comparability within the EN149 standard will produce certain transmittance differences due to differences in particle size distribution and dust concentration, which will affect the results of mask grade classification. QINSUN G506 Mask Filtration Efficiency Tester can provide filtration efficiency tests in accordance with national standard GB2626, European standard EN149, American standard NIOSH (42CFR84) and ASTM F2100, etc., providing strong support for users' domestic and export business. The test bench will select the corresponding photometer mode to complete the measurement according to the standard requirements, and is equipped with two generators, oil and salt, to support the filtration efficiency test of masks and flat filter materials. National mask standards: Several main standards for Chinese masks are GB2626-2019 respiratory protection self-priming filter anti-particulate respirator, GB32610-2016 technical specifications for daily protective masks, YY0969-2013 disposable medical masks, YY0469-2011 medical surgical masks Technical requirements for masks and GB19083-2010 medical protective masks. According to the filtration efficiency of the masks, the masks are divided into three grades: 90 (KN90, KP90), 95 (KN95, KP95), and 100 (KN100, KP100). The number indicates the size of the filtration efficiency. The KN series is detected by sodium chloride particles, and the KP series is detected by oil particles. The revised version of the standard GB2626-2019 'Respiratory Protection Self-Priming Filtering Anti-Particulate Respirator' was officially released on December 31, 2019. The new standard adds requirements for respirator materials and leak detection methods for detachable parts of products. The test flow of this standard is 85L/min. The index requirements of breathing resistance are: the inspiratory resistance does not exceed 350pa, and the expiratory resistance does not exceed 250pa. The European Union's European Union (Conformite Europeenne, CE) certification standards for masks include BSEN140, BSEN14387, BSEN143, BSEN149, and BSEN136. Among them, BSEN149 is widely used and is a filter-type half mask that can protect against particles. According to the particle penetration rate tested, it is divided into P1 (FFP1), P2 (FFP2), P3 (FFP3) three levels, FFP1 low filter effect≥80%, FFP2 low filter effect≥94%, FFP3 low filter effect≥97%. The filtration efficiency of FFP2 masks is very close to that of medical protective masks, KN95 masks, and N95 masks. The test flow of this standard is 95L/min. EN149 contains a number of tests. The filtration efficiency test method of EN149 is similar to EN13274-7. EN 13274-7 tests the filtration efficiency of protective masks. The U.S. NIOSH standard classifies the filter material and filtration efficiency of masks, and this standard is highly recognized around the world. According to the filter material of the middle layer of the mask, it is divided into three types: N, R, and P series, each of which can be divided into three levels according to the filtration efficiency. N is used to protect non-oily suspended particles, usually non-oily particles refer to coal dust, cement dust, acid mist, microorganisms, etc. The droplets produced by speaking or coughing are not oily. In the current raging smog pollution, most of the suspended particles are non-oily. Oily particulate matter refers to oil fume, oil mist, asphalt fume, etc., such as oily particulate matter produced by cooking. R and P are used to protect non-oily and oily suspended particles. Compared with the R series, the P series has a relatively long use time. For the specific use time, please refer to the labels of different manufacturers. N95 masks are the filtration efficiency in the N series≥95% of the first-class masks are tested for the tightness of the wearer's face to ensure that the air can enter and exit through the mask when it is closely attached to the edge of the face. Only those who meet this test will be issued an N95 certification number. N95 masks are not equal to medical protective masks. Medical protective masks stipulate that the filtering effect of masks must meet the requirements of N95, and have surface moisture resistance and blood barrier capabilities. The ASTMF2100 standard is a medical standard that divides masks into three levels: low protection (Level1), medium protection (Level2) and high protection (Level3). The higher the level, the better the protection performance. Level1 and Level2 masks are usually called procedure masks; Level3 masks can be used in the operating room, also called surgical masks. When the chance of exposure to the virus is particularly high, a higher level of protection should be selected. Level 1 can block 95% of bacteria and particles, even if it only reaches low protection standards, it is enough to protect general community users; Level 2 and Level 3 (medium to high protection standards) require masks to block at least 98% of bacteria and particles, and the pressure difference is only It needs to be lower than 49.0Pa/cm, and the lower protection standard is looser, because it is difficult to achieve better protection while maintaining breathability. The main difference between the medium and high protection standards is that the high protection (Level 3) standard has higher requirements for the ability to block liquids.
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