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Only when the air quality reaches the standard can the house be delivered

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-03-11
The 'Implementation Opinions on Further Accelerating the Development of Our City's Finished Residential Buildings' promulgated by Chengdu previously stated that by the end of 2022, the city's newly-started commercial residential and affordable finished residential housing will reach 100% of the area. In other words, most of the new houses bought by the common people are renovated.   The development of finished housing is a major trend, but how to ensure the quality of the decoration? What should I do if I don’t like the decoration style? The New Deal has caused some people’s concerns. On November 30th, the reporter learned from the Chengdu Construction Committee that in order to “protect the lock” on the decoration of finished houses, Chengdu’s latest implementation rules of 'Implementation Opinions on Further Accelerating the Development of Our City’s Finished Residential Buildings' were issued to address the decorations most concerned by citizens. In part, many hard-to-reach conditions are set. The “model room” can only be renovated after passing the inspection and acceptance. It can be seen from the implementation rules that “model first” is an important means to guarantee the decoration of finished houses. Specifically, a finished residential project needs to be renovated before construction. The model room (layer, section) must pass the acceptance before large-scale construction. 'After the completion of the model room, the construction unit will organize the supervision, design, general contract construction and decoration subcontractors to carry out the inspection and acceptance.' The person in charge of the relevant office of the Chengdu Construction Commission said that when the model room was checked and accepted, the responsible persons of all parties checked The content includes whether the site complies with the design documents and relevant specification requirements that have passed the construction drawing review. In addition, the quality supervision agency will also conduct random inspections on the acceptance of sample rooms (layers and sections).   It is worth noting that the detailed rules require development companies to make physical model houses for each decoration plan at the project site as a reference standard for sales display and house delivery. The physical model house must truly reflect the decoration standards and construction quality of the delivered finished residential house, and refuse 'inconsistent graphics and text.'   In addition, the retention time of the physical model house shall not be less than 1 year from the date of the first delivery of the commercial house. The development enterprise shall report to the construction administrative department for the demolition of the physical model house.  Professional agency testing  air quality can only be delivered to the house   According to the implementation rules, whether the air quality test meets the standard has become a necessary element for the completion and acceptance of a residential project, which is a prerequisite for whether the house can be delivered. The person in charge said that the quality of decoration materials is one of the important guarantees of decoration quality. The implementation rules require that the materials and components used in the finished residential decoration project should meet the design requirements and the current national standards, and have corresponding quality assurance materials. What kind of materials are required to meet the requirements? 'Man-made wood boards and veneer wood-based boards, paints, natural stones and other major materials that affect indoor environmental quality should be subject to witness sampling and testing for indicators such as formaldehyde content, radioactivity, and fire prevention.' Someone said that after the finishing of the finished residential project, the air quality inspection report will be a necessary element for the acceptance of the project. It is worth mentioning that the project party cannot be both a referee and a contestant. The air quality inspection must be a professional inspection unit with corresponding qualifications and a certificate of measurement certification (CMA), and in accordance with the 'Civil Construction Engineering Indoor Environmental Pollution Control' Specification GB50325 stipulates air quality testing.   If the quality of the finished residential decoration project fails the household inspection and acceptance, the construction unit shall not organize the completion inspection and acceptance. There is a 'warranty period' for the decoration. The implementation rules will be implemented from now on. 'If you have any problems with the decoration, you can contact the decoration company. Which one should you look for if there is a quality problem in the decoration of the finished house?' The question of Mr. Tang, a citizen, is answered in the implementation rules. The warranty scope and warranty period in the 'Dwelling Quality Assurance Letter' for finished residential buildings shall not be less than the minimum warranty period stipulated in the 'Regulations on the Quality Management of Construction Projects'.'   According to the current regulations, the 'warranty period' of the heating and cooling system of construction projects is 2 heating and cooling periods; electrical pipelines, water supply and drainage pipelines, equipment installation and decoration projects are 2 years.   Will the finished housing become an excuse to increase housing prices in disguise? Discussions surrounding 'housing prices' are endless. The relevant person in charge of the Chengdu Construction Committee clearly stated that he would not, saying that the price of the finished house and the price of the renovation project were priced separately. In other words, what is the 'price' itself and what is the 'renovation cost' will be separately stated.   The implementation rules once again emphasized that after the completion of the construction of the finished residential physical model house, the brand and model of the decoration materials and facilities and equipment used by the development company are completely determined, and the experience has been accepted, it shall apply to the construction administrative department for decoration price verification.  According to the requirements, the implementation rules will be implemented from now on. At the same time, since the implementation of the rules, the Chengdu Xinbao completed residential project must be implemented in accordance with the above requirements.
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