
22 years focused on physical lab testing machines and provide total testing solution according customer requirement.

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Any promotion team established by Gester Instruments in foreign countries?
GESTER International Co.,Limited has a promotion team that not only focuses on foreign countries. We sell products in different ways, for example on social media, exhibitions or seminars. We hope to establish a partnership with you who are in possession of a distribution system to expand your international business.
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Gester Instruments is famous in the gsm cutter industry whatever in China or in world. Gester Instruments's water vapor permeability tester is various in types and styles to meet the different needs of customers. Gester Instruments Instruments zipper reciprocating fatigue testing machine is designed based on user demand. The product is highly resistant to oxidation. we not only masters the professional technical ability, but also has a keen market insight. We continuously improves the Fabric Testing Machine according to the needs of the international market, and promotes it to bring a good experience to customers.
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we suggests footwear testing machines as its permanent tenet. Contact!

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