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Can flame-retardant materials really not burn?

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-03-26
The three elements of combustion are well understood by most people, that is, combustible materials, combustion-supporting materials such as oxygen, and temperature must reach the ignition point. As long as these three elements are in place, combustion will occur. Flame-retardant materials or products are also the same. If these three conditions are met, they will burn.     Since flame-retardant materials or products can also burn, does flame-retardant have any meaning? The answer is yes, flame retardant is still effective, and it can prevent and delay correspondingly when a danger occurs.     What is flame retardant? Its English standard translation name: flameretardance, refers to the nature of the substance or the material that has been processed to significantly delay the spread of flame. Flame retardant is actually not easy to burn or extinguishes itself after leaving the fire, not non-combustible. The purpose of using flame-retardant materials is to prevent or delay the burning. When a fire occurs, the material is not easy to be burned, and it will not increase or expand the burning range. In order to find hidden dangers as soon as possible and win precious time for timely rescue.     flame retardant is also graded. Most of the unmodified plastic materials have poor flame retardancy and are easy to burn. By adding corresponding flame retardants to modify, the flame retardancy of the material is improved, and it becomes inflammable, which meets the requirements of the corresponding standards.    Different countries have different classifications, and all have corresponding scientific test standards and methods. At present, there are many methods for evaluating flame retardancy, such as oxygen index measurement method, horizontal or vertical burning test method and so on. For example, China’s national standard GB/T5169.11-2006 'Fire Hazard Test for Electrical and Electronic Products Part 11: Glow Wire/Hot Wire Basic Test Method Glow Wire Flammability Test Method for Finished Products' (IEC60695-2-10:2000, IDT ), detailed regulations and descriptions are made on the flame retardant test of the product. The flame retardant grades of the products also have 650℃, 750℃, 850℃ and other grades. Another flame-retardant standard that is widely used in the field of electrical and electronic products is UL94, which has global influence. In flame-retardant testing, standard splines, standard flames, and standard combustion methods are required. The flame-retardant levels also include HB, V2, V1, and V1. V0 and other levels. In the UL94 flame-retardant test, for the fuel that produces flame, the height, angle and burning time of the flame from the test material spline are specified in detail. The size of the spline is also standard. Such a test can also guarantee the test result. The reliability, stability and accuracy of the system.     It is obviously unscientific to use ordinary lighters to ignite corresponding products and test their flame retardancy.     First of all, different substances have different heat of combustion. What is the heat of combustion? The heat of combustion (ΔcH0) refers to the heat released when a substance and oxygen undergo a combustion reaction. It is generally measured by the amount of unit material, the energy released when a unit mass or unit volume of fuel is burned. At 25°C and 101kPa, the heat released when 1 mol of combustibles are completely burned to produce stable oxides is called the heat of combustion of the material. The unit is kJ/mol. It can also be measured in units of megajoules/kg. There are many types of      lighters, and all fuels are not the same. Therefore, the flame temperature produced by different types of lighters varies greatly, and cannot reach the accuracy range specified by the standard test. Of course, the test results are not convincing. In addition, when using a lighter to test, the time, position, angle, etc. of the flame contacting the test product are arbitrary. In such a test, if the sample is ignited, it does not mean that it is unqualified. The level of burning. Therefore, such a test cannot explain the problem at all.    Using a lighter to conduct a flame retardant test is not only meaningless, on the contrary, it will also cause burns and fire hazards. Therefore, consumers must not use this method to test, and do not believe in such a test. It is recommended to choose branded products when purchasing, or ask the merchant to provide corresponding professional test reports. More about the combustion tester: http://www.standard-groups.com/FlammabilityTesting/4.html
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