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France cracks down on garment and textile waste

by:GESTER Instruments     2022-09-17
The French government is planning to introduce regulations against clothing and textile waste to ensure“Unsold textile products from Ming (2019) are neither discarded nor destroyed. From tomorrow (2019), the French government wants to ensure that“Unsold textile products are neither discarded nor destroyed”. Currently, around 600,000 tonnes of clothing, household sheets, shoes and work clothes are thrown away in France every year, but only a quarter of that is currently recycled. The government of French centrist President Emmanuel Macron is working on the same principles to reduce food waste. A spokesman for the French embassy in London said: 'Measures with similar intentions have been introduced into the food industry', adding: 'Those related to the textile industry will be based on this and unsold textiles will be asked to donate to charity. mechanism'. Exactly how to achieve this goal has not been announced, the French government has drawn up“Circular Economy Roadmap”The policy document has yet to provide exact details– The draft was published in March for public comment. The move is important as France estimates that 600,000 tonnes of clothing, household sheets, shoes and work clothes are currently thrown away each year, but only a quarter of it is currently discarded, according to a report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a British charity that promotes the world's circular economy A quantity of one is recycled. That said, some major brands operating in France, including Swedish clothing retailer Hennes&Mauritz (H&M), all trying to make sure none of their clothes end up in landfills. Julie-Marlene Pelissier, PR Manager, said: 'We follow EU waste disposal directives and we have a clear&M Convention for Residual Products'. By company”Leftover products should be reused in their original form, otherwise by working with charities and associations, reused for other types of products or recycled“. She added: 'To destroy H&The M line is very rare and should only be done if the product does not comply with safety regulations, for example if the product is mold-infested or does not comply with our strict chemical usage regulations. Products cannot be donated to charitable associations when safety is compromised.” France-based ethical fashion brand Ekyog said: “The company never destroys unsold items. “We recycle all of our products, or we use clearance auctions to destock,” a company spokesperson said.
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