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Zipper reciprocating pulling test machine experimental test standards and requirements

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-06-12
The zipper reciprocating fatigue tester is used to test whether the zipper can withstand a specified number of reciprocating pulling operations under the action of transverse and longitudinal tension. During the test, the machine drives the slider of the zipper at a constant speed to make a reciprocating motion of 30 times per minute until the specified number of times. This article focuses on introducing you to the zipper reciprocating fatigue test standards and requirements. Standard requirements: 1. Zipper strength test Zipperstrength: ASTMD2061/BS3084/AS2332/NFG91-005/DIN3419-12, zipper durability test DurabilityofZipper: BS3084/AS23323, color fastness test Colourfastnessto: Dry cleaning: BS1006: D01 Washing: BS1006: C03 Water: BS1006: E014, DimensionalStabilityto: Washing: BS20577: 2A Dry cleaning: CommercialProcess5, Appearance Retention: Washing BS20577: 2A Dry cleaning: CommercialProcess6, Rust/TarnishTest of MetallicFinishes7, Torque Test for Zipper Torque Test for Zipper :ASTMD20618, zipper insertion test ZipperInsertion9, zipper smoothness (usability) test OerabilityofZipper: ASTMD2062 conductedwithZipperStrength basic test method for measuring zipper strength (1), flat tension test, flat tension is the most basic strength index, used to test zipper teeth In the interlocked state, the ability to resist lateral forces is very similar to the actual state of use. (2) The top stop force test zipper sprocket interlock, pull the slider to the top end, and pull the slider. At this time, the strength of the top stop of the zipper can be measured. This is a simulation of the zipper in the holding state. The ability of the slider to resist external forces when it crosses the upper stop and pulls off or moves the upper stop from the ribs. (3) Bottom stop strong zipper test. Pull the slider to the bottom end, and the pull teeth are divided into two parts. Pulling the sprocket on the left and right sides can measure the force required to break the bottom stop and measure the tension. Resistance of the internal components of the head. (4) Open-end and flat-stretch test to test the resistance of the open-end zipper insert tube and socket to external force damage. Fix the left and right sides of the open end with the upper and lower clamps. When the zipper is closed, start the machine. (5). Test of the strength of the slider lock. The slider is self-locked in the middle of the connecting teeth. The zipper teeth are divided into two parts, the left and right parts of the zipper can be stretched to test the locking strength and resistance of the internal components of the slider. force. (6) Test of the strength of the pull head and pull flap combination. Apply the pull head force in the direction perpendicular to the pull flap until the pull flap is separated from the pull body. The value recorded at this time is the combined strength of the pull head and pull flap. More about Zipper Reciprocating Fatigue Tester: http://www.lalianniukou.com/productlist/list-5-1.html
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