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Black technology! Cut off the 'black tail' of diesel cars

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-03-20
As an important tool for controlling haze with an iron fist, in late October last year, Xi'an established the country's first diesel vehicle exhaust purification and treatment demonstration zone. The 'active maintenance + diesel purification' source treatment technology adopted by it has not only achieved remarkable results, but also the promotion and demonstration model of government-enterprise cooperation and academy-enterprise collaboration has also attracted much attention. To this end, the reporter went to research sites to find out. Independent innovation of hard technology 'new medicine' has special effects. Recently, the owner of the muck truck, Guo Lei, came to the Qinling treatment point in the diesel vehicle exhaust gas treatment demonstration zone on Lifeng 4th Road, Lintong District, Xi'an, and waited in line to give him 15 tons of diesel. The car undergoes exhaust purification 'surgery'. Under the command of on-site technicians, Guo Lei drove the car into the inspection area. With a kick of the accelerator, thick black smoke gushes out. Tests showed that the average smoke value of the car was 5.28m-1, far exceeding the national standard 1.39m-1. Liu Haijun, the person in charge of the control point in the demonstration zone, said, “The smoke value is an indicator of PM particulate matter emission. The black smoke from the vehicle is basically due to the wear of the oil pump plunger and the deterioration of the nozzle atomization performance due to the impurities in the diesel fuel supply system.” Cleaning the fuel tank, repairing the fuel injection nozzle, adjusting the fuel pump, updating the diesel purifier... Under the guidance of the technicians, Guo Lei's car began to receive a 'treatment' called 'active maintenance + diesel purification'. The 'active maintenance + diesel purification' comprehensive treatment technology is the first system solution developed by Xi'an Tianhou Filtration Technology Co., Ltd. for diesel vehicle exhaust pollution. It refers to the use of a unique external oil purification device to clean and purify the fuel supply system, adjust, repair and replace Key components to improve operating efficiency; at the same time, according to the vehicle conditions, the self-developed diesel purifier is selected and updated, and the polymer deep filtration technology is used to ensure fuel cleanliness. After about two hours of treatment, the truck that had been dragging the 'black tail' for a long time was magically 'docked' and reborn. Going to the self-checking station again, the smoke value is displayed as 0.33m-1, and the emission of pollutant particles drops by 93.75%. 'Stubborn disease' is healed, what is the effect? At 2 pm, the reporter drove with Guo Lei to the third-party inspection agency-Xi'an Shun'an Vehicle Inspection Line. The re-inspection results showed that the average smoke value of the car was 0.23m-1, which was almost the highest emission level for new vehicles in China. The limit is a quarter of 0.8m-1. Demonstration of Governance Let 'Secret Recipe' Become 'Proven Recipe' Lintong District of Xi'an is a well-known tourist destination at home and abroad, with heavy emission reduction tasks and great pressure. How to find a breakthrough in the treatment of haze with an iron fist? The 'hard technology' of Tianhou Company has aroused the close attention of Lintong District. After repeated investigations and with the support of the municipal government, Lintong District took the lead in issuing the 'Working Plan of Diesel Vehicle Exhaust Emission Control Demonstration Project' last year, with financial support and government supervision of vehicles as the preliminary pilot, and comprehensively launched the governance demonstration work. In order to guide the transition from passive management to active management of super-elevated vehicles, Lintong District used rewards instead of compensation. For diesel vehicles that completed the treatment within one month of the prescribed time limit, each vehicle was given a reward of more than 5,000 yuan. After that, the financial subsidy was gradually reduced. At the same time, the environmental protection, traffic police, quality supervision, urban management and other departments are mobilized to work together, and the street office community environmental protection grid staff is responsible for mobilizing publicity; all vehicles with excessive emissions that are included in the treatment are prohibited from operating on the road without treatment, and severe penalties will be imposed for evading treatment. 'The treatment technology used in the demonstration area is a'microsurgery' for black-tailed'sick cars'.' According to Liu Sanmin, the head of Lintong District, Xi'an, 'simple, time-saving, low investment and quick return' is The key to acceptance and active participation by diesel car owners. 'Firstly, it does not change any form of vehicles and engines; secondly, it takes only two or three hours for the average single-vehicle treatment; thirdly, the average cost of treatment for vehicles is about 10,000 yuan, which is only the post-processing of particles that are already available in the market. One third of the cost of technology.' Multi-party collaboration made 'special effects' 'universal effects' and 'black tail' cut off, and particulate matter emissions were drastically reduced. But what exactly are other emission indicators such as nitrogen oxides and carbon compounds? Not long ago, researchers from the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences brought in a large vehicle of testing equipment and completed the efficiency testing of five types of emission indicators for five consecutive days and five nights. Xue Yonggang, a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told reporters: “Through testing experiments on 105 emissions from 6 diesel vehicles in 5 categories, preliminary data shows that the exhaust concentration and total emissions of vehicles after treatment have both decreased. Among them, carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide, The concentrations of carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides have each dropped by more than 30%.' 'The pollution control of diesel vehicle exhaust emissions is a worldwide problem, and all parties need to collaborate and innovate to overcome difficulties.' Xi'an Air Quality Assurance Research Program Project Group Leader, Cao Junji, deputy director of the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the front-end comprehensive management technology of Tianhou Company is significantly advanced. The reporter learned that in 2014, the State Council issued the 'Guiding Opinions on Innovating Investment and Financing Mechanisms in Key Fields to Encourage Social InvestmentSince then, relevant ministries and commissions have also issued a series of normative documents. Relevant experts believe that the aforementioned policy environment has opened up new space for the widespread promotion of diesel vehicle exhaust gas treatment technologies.
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