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Textile instrument that can maintain product characteristics to a greater extent

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-07-26
  In daily textile processing, factories will use various types of textile equipment to process textiles. At the same time, because the characteristics of the materials are not the same, the factory will select the appropriate machine for daily processing according to the characteristics of the material, so as to maintain the characteristics of the product to a greater extent.  In the daily processing process, the operator will feed the material into the machine through rollers; at the same time, the roller will pull the material out to make it longer and thinner. At the same time, the spindle in the machine inserts the necessary twist to keep the fibers together. And the machine will use materials that combine opposite twists to create a shadow effect in the finished fabric, resulting in different light reflections. Second, the spinning process is completed by winding the material on a bobbin or spool.  At the same time, compared with other machines, the products processed by this machine are stronger and smoother. And the sizing material can be used in daily processing to improve its strength to withstand the pressure of product construction operations. Therefore, more and more factories will use this machine for daily processing.
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