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The scientific instruments of the NASA James Webb Space Telescope have been successfully installed

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-06-29
With accuracy comparable to surgical operations, more than 20 engineers and technicians successfully packaged the James Webb Space Telescope instruments on the telescope. The instrument bag is a combination of a camera and a spectrometer, which will record the light collected by Weber's huge golden mirror. In this rare photo, the James Webb Space Telescope team used a crane to hoist the instrument package onto the telescope. This shot shows the James Webb Space Telescope team meticulously completing the installation of the instrument package in a huge clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. In the world's largest clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbert, Maryland, the Weber team used a crane to lift a heavy instrument bag, put it in a closed enclosure behind the telescope, and fixed it to the telescope. 'Our staff is using a very expensive device to locate in a very small space,' said Jamie Dunn, manager of ISIM (ISIM stands for Scientific Instrument Integration Module). 'We need to keep the room quiet, so if someone speaks, we can Hear what they are saying. Not only can you hear what other people are saying, but you can also know if it sounds normal.” Before this procedure, engineers and technicians have carried out test runs, computer modeling training and in an instrument package. Training on the operation of the model. This is a critical mission operation. 'This is a huge achievement for our global team,' said John Mather, the James Webb Space Telescope project scientist and Nobel Prize winner. 'There are important instruments from Europe, Canada and the United States in this bag. We are very proud. 20 years after we started designing our observatory, everything went so smoothly.' Now, the structure of the instrument, mirror and telescope has been assembled Well, the combination will pass vibration and acoustic tests to ensure that the entire scientific payload will be able to withstand launch conditions. 'Under the current new technology, it is far from simple to design and manufacture things of this scale and complexity,' Dunn said. 'Although each project will have ups and downs, the JWST team has to overcome various challenges throughout the project. Difficulties of all kinds. The quality and dedication of this team are extraordinary. They have always been outstanding, and they have made many personal sacrifices to make the project what it is today.' James Webb Space Telescope is NASA The scientific successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. It will be the most powerful space telescope ever built. Weber will study many stages of our universe's history, including the formation of the solar system that can support life on planets like Earth, and the evolution of our solar system. Weber will launch the Ariane 5 carrier rocket from French Guiana in 2018. Weber is an international project, jointly developed by NASA and its partners, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency.
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