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Determination of tensile strength and elongation

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-06-14
1. Scale    This specification regulates the tensile strength of V-belts and V-ribbed belts, and refers to the experimental methods for elongation at break and elongation at break.   This specification is applicable to the determination of the tensile strength and elongation of various V-belts and V-ribbed belts for transmission under regular conditions.  2, Normative Citation Documents  The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document, but for dated citation documents, only the dated version applies to this document. However, for undated quotation documents, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable to this document. GB/T2941 General Procedure for Preparation and Conditioning of Rubber Physics Test Method (GB/T2941-2006, ISO23529:2004, IDT)    GB/T17200 Technical Specification for Rubber and Plastic Tension, Compression and Flexural Testing Machine (Constant Speed u200bu200bDrive) (GB/T17200 -2008, ISO5893:2002, IDT)    3. Terminology and definitions The following belong and definitions are applicable to this document 3.1   tensile strength    The force required to stretch the sample when doing a tensile test on a full-section sample. 4. Equipment 4. 1 Tensile testing machine (tensile strength testing machine)    Tensile testing machine should comply with the rules of GB/T17200 and meet the following requirements:   a) Minimum tension: 20 Kn  b) Accuracy: reading or recording tension When the value is the value, the error should not be greater than 2%;   c) Range: The force required to break the sample should not be less than 15% of the range and no more than 85% of the range;   d) The moving speed of the gripper: (50±5) mm/min;   e) A recorder is equipped to record the relationship curve between the elongation rate and the tensile force of the transmission belt. 4.2 Experimental belt wheels Regarding experimental ring samples, if the length is greater than 600mm, use two flat belt wheels with a diameter of 95.5mm, and if the length is between 400mm and 600mm, use two flat belt wheels with a diameter of 75mm. The width of the flat belt wheels At least 5mm wider than the width of the sample to be tested, and the surface roughness Ra of the flat pulley is less than or equal to 3.2um. The flat pulley should be able to roll freely, one device is on the moving part of the tensile machine, and the other device is on the fixed part (see Figure 1). 4.3 Experimental chucks Regarding the sample breaking of the full section of the experiment, the testing machine should be equipped with a chuck (such as a wedge chuck or pneumatic chuck) that can actively clamp with the increase of tension and can generate uniform pressure along the entire width of the sample. Chuck), there should be two chucks, one device is on the movable part of the tensile machine, and the other device is fixed on the part.   Clarification:   1——moving wheel   2——experimental sample belt   3——tension sensor   4——fixed wheel   Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the tensile strength test equipment of the endless belt   5. Experimental conditions   The experimental conditions should conform to the rules of GB/T2941.  6, sample   6.1 Sample A  6.1.1 Sample A is suitable for the tensile strength of V-belt and V-ribbed belt, refer to the elongation at break or the elongation at break. Before the experiment, the sample should be parked for more than 24 hours under the regular experimental conditions. When the pre-aged belt is tested, the condition should also be adjusted according to the above-mentioned regular conditions.   6.1.2 The sample is a full-section belt with a length of more than 250mm.   6.1.3 The number of samples is three, taken from the same section of the sample belt. If three samples cannot be taken from one belt, three samples can be taken from the same type and batch of commodities, but they should be indicated in the experiment report.  6.1.4 Mark the two marking lines used to determine the elongation on the sample, and the interval between the marking lines (referred to as the gauge length) is 100mm.   6.1.5 Regarding the large-scale belt sample, after negotiation between the two sides, the rubber around the core rope that is clamped by the sample can be removed before the experiment. 6.2 Sample B   6.2.1 Sample B is suitable for the tensile strength of V-belt and V-ribbed belt. The sample should be parked for more than 24H under regular experimental conditions before the test. When the test is performed on the pre-aged belt, it is also The condition should be adjusted according to the above rules and conditions.  6.2.2 In the same type, at least three endless belts from the same batch of goods are selected for experimentation.  7, test procedure   7.1 Test procedure A  7.1.1 Test procedure A corresponds to sample A.  7.1.2 The two sections of the sample are clamped on the two chucks of the test machine, the longitudinal center band of the sample is in the same direction of the force line.  7.1.3 Continuously stretch the sample at a speed of (50±5) mm/min.  7.1.4 When the tension increases to the reference force or cracking occurs, separately record the tension and gauge length at that instant.   7.1.5 If the sample is cracked in the clamping, the experiment is invalid, and additional samples should be added for the experiment.  7.2 Experimental procedure B   7.2.1 Experimental procedure B corresponds to sample B.  7.2.2 Hang the sample on the two flat belt wheels on the testing machine, and touch the belt wheel with the reverse side (top surface) of the belt.   7.2.3 Continuously stretch the sample at a speed of (50 ± 5) mm/min.   7.2.4 Stop the test when the sample is broken, and record the tensile force value. 
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