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Briefly describes the battery short circuit testing machine external short circuit test requirements

by:GESTER Instruments     2020-09-15
1, normal temperature external short circuit test requirements: the battery in accordance with the prescribed test methods, placed in 20 ℃ & plusmn; 5 ℃ environment, to cell surface temperature of 20 ℃ & plusmn; After 5 ℃, 30 min. Then use wire connection battery positive and negative extreme, and ensure that all external resistance for 80 m & Omega; ± 20mΩ 。 Test in the process of monitoring the battery temperature change, when there is a one of the following two circumstances, the termination: a) Battery temperature down to about 20% lower than the peak b) A short time at 24 h. Test result: the battery should be no fire, no explosion, the highest temperature does not exceed 150 ℃. 2, high temperature and external short circuit test requirements: the battery in accordance with the prescribed test methods, placed in 55 ℃ & plusmn; 5 ℃ environment, to cell surface temperature of 55 ℃ & plusmn; After 5 ℃, 30 min. Then use wire connection battery positive and negative extreme, and ensure that all external resistance for 80 m & Omega; ± 20mΩ 。 Test in the process of monitoring the battery temperature change, when there is a one of the following two circumstances, the termination: a) Battery temperature down to about 20% lower than the peak b) A short time at 24 h. Test result: the battery should be no fire, no explosion, the highest temperature does not exceed 150 ℃. 3, short circuit protection: the sample test for 500 cycles in the following order: a) Short circuit battery positive and negative of extreme or protection circuit output terminals; b) The protective device let stand for 1 min. When short circuit and external short circuit the total resistance is 80 m & Omega; ± 20mΩ 。 Each cycle when the battery short-circuit protection circuit should be action. When the sample is battery test before a full charge in accordance with the relevant provisions of test method. And shall ensure that the battery pack in the process of test, a 500 - cycle test is under the state has not put up electricity, if the battery pack before the test for the 500 cycles has put the electricity, the battery should be in accordance with the prescribed test methods, test to continue the cycle. The respect customer, jester testing equipment, the company research and development production of a variety of short-circuit tester, battery products are precision WenKongXing short circuit testing machine, normal temperature type battery short circuit machine, high and low temperature external short circuit tester, mandatory internal short circuit tester, multi-channel battery short circuit machines, battery pack short-circuit short-circuit tester, tester, battery module, many varieties, complete specification, can meet the test requirements of customers. This article from the jester detection equipment, reprint please indicate the url: https://www. gesterinstruments。 Com/tags: & nbsp  battery short circuit tester & NBSP external short circuit test method & NBSP battery short circuit test requirements
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