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Drop tester function is introduced in detail

by:GESTER Instruments     2020-09-04
After drop testing machine for packaging design in the simulation of different edge, Angle and surface in different aspect ratio dropped to the road conditions, and grasp the state of damage and to evaluate the packaging design components can afford when falling destruction height to width ratio, compressive strength of the shock. And then on the basis of commodity category specific situation and the national industry standard to carry out improvement and improve the product packaging design. Drop testing machine on the face of the package, Angle and edge for random drop test, configuration of digital display height to width ratio display instrument and track use servo motor to carry out the aspect ratio, which can accurately obtain goods falling height to width ratio, falling with preset ratio deviation less than 2%, or 10 mm. Drop tester selection of single column with arms, falling dynamic calibration, motor control and electric lifting equipment, easy to use; Unique cache devices could greatly improve the equipment, the stability and safety coefficient. Arms set, can be conveniently placed goods, falling Angle of impact surface and floor plan blank righteousness is not greater than 5 of the deviation. Drop tester every test over, must be left arm fall down, to prevent the fall of long-term calibration arm pull play yellow deformation, damage detection actual effect, please complex parts before falling each time the rotation motor end to press down key. Drop testing machine to the factory after the installation, should be moderately low concentration between drag round rod car engine oil, prohibited to add rust inhibitor or higher levels of automobile engine oil and inventory backlog of oil containing corrosion materials) 。 If there is too much dust oiling place after a long time please put the equipment down to lower part, try to wipe out before the car engine oil, oil in the juki again. Drop tester impact force reflective equipment, the new application of excessive above 500 times, must put the screw, common faults in case. Tester of the elevator shaft and drive chain should be on time to add grease, transmission gear reducer for oil pipeline once half a year, non-working to disconnect all switch power supply, ensure clean elevator shaft. The actual operation staff should practice drop tester. Drop tester is the experimental testing equipment, please do not use this machine equipment for experiment and expected goal. While the application of drop tester for high temperature test, the temperature is not more than set temperature, to examine the electrical products system of mechanical equipment. If because temperature is too slow, you can check the wind of the respiratory tract, file air conditioning wind leaf if everything is normal open; To check if motor operates all normal. If temperatures rise, causing the overload protector alarm, it is full automatic automatic control system in the difficulty, contact the manufacturer to remove. When the low temperature test, drop test machine can't achieve the set temperature, you need to query whether because of slow cooling, or because warmer after arrived at a certain temperature. If neither will need to check whether because before then blow dry studio. If are not two reasons, they need to check the studio sample is placed too much, to the abundance of internal gas not respiratory system. The interpretation of the above is to drop tester function is introduced in detail, hope can help you, if you want to learn more about information about drop test machine, welcome to the online consulting service or call the company service hotline ( Website top right corner) For consultation, we will wholeheartedly provide high quality service for you! Tags: & nbsp  drop tester
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