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Liaocheng University Student Preparation and Test Equipment Tender Announcement

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-04-03
International Bidding Information (China International Bidding Network): Liaocheng University studentized preparation and testing equipment bidding announcement. Liaocheng University’s public bidding announcement for the procurement of studentized preparation and testing equipment. I. Purchaser: Liaocheng University, Address: No. 1 Hunan Road, Dongchangfu District, Liaocheng City Contact: Zhang Ruihui 06358239999 2. Procurement agency: Shandong Sanmu Tendering Co., Ltd. Address: Yinfeng Building, No. 6, Liyang Street, Shizhong District, Jinan City, Shandong Province Contact: 0531-83110177 3. Government Procurement Plan Number: 14018201500005, 140018201500004, 140018201500003 4. Project Name : Liaocheng University studentized preparation and testing equipment procurement project number: SDSM2015-4028 V. Purchasing content and subcontracting status: procurement content (including the name, purpose, and quantity of purchased goods and services): This project is Liaocheng University studentized preparation and testing equipment Procurement is divided into 5 packages. Bidder can choose single package or multiple packages for bidding and quotation. The equipment in a single package does not respond to each item. For detailed technical content, please refer to the bidding documents. Basic qualification requirements: 1. Registered in the People's Republic of China, have independent legal personality and effective existence, have good supply and construction capabilities, have perfect after-sales service and good reputation, and have no bad business behaviors; 2. In the past There are no violations of laws, regulations, disciplines, or contract violations in government procurement activities; 3. Register with a procurement agency, register and file from the agency, and obtain bidding documents; subcontracting status: package number, name, quantity, brief technical indicators, supplier qualification Require 1u0026nbspElectronic precision balance 1 case, see the bidding document, 2u0026nbspAutomatic triaxial instrument, 1 case see the bidding document, 3u0026nbspAnalysis, 1 case, see the bidding document, see this announcement 4u0026nbspPellet production line, etc.1 case, see the bidding For documents, see this announcement 5 u0026 nbspThe vehicle data collection system, etc. 1 case see the bidding documents, see this announcement VI. Get the bidding documents Location: Room 8427, 4th Floor, Yinfeng Building, No. 6, Liyang Street, Jinan City Time: From now until March 6, 2015 Day 9:00-17:00 (except holidays) Method: Please bring a copy of the business license and bid registration form (with official seal required) when registering and purchasing. If you need to mail, add 50 yuan express mail mailing fee, and remit it to our company together with the cost of purchasing documents. (Account name: Shandong Sanmu Tendering Co., Ltd. Account Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Jinan Liulishan Branch. Bank Account Number: 1602001319200062147) Price: 1, 2, 3 packages of 200 yuan/package, 4, 5 packages of 500 yuan/package. 7. Deadline for bidding: 8:30-9:00 am on March 11, 2015 (Beijing time) 8. Bid opening date: 9:00 am on March 11, 2015 (Beijing time) Location of bid opening: East Campus of Liaocheng University Office Building Room B201 (No. 1 Hunan Road, Dongchangfu District, Liaocheng City) 9. Contact person for this project: Guo Yang Tel: 0531-83110177 10. Others: E-mail sdsmzb@163.com
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