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National Instruments and Yalong Education Sign Strategic Cooperation Agreement

by:GESTER Instruments     2021-04-05
NI (National Instruments, referred to as NI), as a supplier dedicated to providing engineers and scientists with solutions to help them cope with the world’s most severe engineering challenges, recently announced a partnership with China’s leading educational technology and equipment company—Zhejiang Asia Dragon Education has established a strategic partnership to jointly build the Yalong-NI Engineering Innovation Center, aiming to respond to the needs of the country's shortage of skilled talents. On the basis of strategic cooperation, the two parties will jointly develop a series of training equipment in line with modern vocational and technical education concepts, and lay a solid foundation for the common goal of 'better providing high-quality services to vocational colleges'. Since last year, the State Council has issued the 'Made in China 2025' action plan, clearly proposing five major projects headed by the 'Manufacturing Innovation Center'. It intends to focus on the transformation and upgrading of key industries, focusing on the development of industry foundations and common key technologies, industrialization of results, and talents. Training and other work. NI has always been committed to providing sufficient talent reserves for industry innovation, and has successfully held large-scale student competitions with many universities. The strategic cooperation between NI and Yalong is in line with the development direction of Made in China 2025 in the ten major fields, and is widely used in measurement, testing, and control technologies in various industries around the world. In accordance with the requirements of continuous reform and innovation of vocational education and engineering education, NI and Yalong rely on their respective advantages to implement a strong alliance, and develop educational equipment, curriculum materials, software development, skills competitions, and teachers in accordance with the overall solution of integrating learning and teaching. Training and other concepts, and jointly develop educational equipment in electronics and automation. The engineering innovation center jointly created by the two parties includes a basic technology training area, a project application training area, a LabVIEW platform Wanliantong training area, an engineering innovation training area, and an engineer cultural environment. Yalong-NI Engineering Innovation Center, based on the modularization of hardware construction, combines the characteristics of vocational education and engineering education, extracts typical work tasks from the practical applications of industries and enterprises, follows the rules of vocational ability development, and develops appropriate teaching courses , Textbooks, resources, teacher training courses, etc., while implementing technical skills learning, carry out environmental design, teaching organization innovation, and integrate the cultivation of students’ craftsmanship, engineer’s project culture, innovation ability and other soft qualities. 'We are very pleased to establish a strategic partnership with Yalong Education, and look forward to providing Chinese vocational colleges with an experimental and training platform for the integration of production and education based on the Engineering Innovation Center.' said Chen Jianzhong, NI Greater China Sales Director, 'NI More than 300 teaching and scientific research laboratories have been established in cooperation with domestic universities. We continue to promote innovative teaching and realize scientific research in universities, and use our industry-leading technological advantages to conduct diversified cooperation with universities to help cultivate soft power such as teaching and scientific research in universities And improve.'
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